Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I'm Part of The "Angry Mob"

So I haven't written in a few days, not alot has happened...we had a lazy weekend, my mom's birthday was Monday and mine was yesterday. Not a big deal to me anymore since I'm 34 (not much to get excited about! LOL), but as my ever so loving sister-in-law pointed out "4 more years and I get an 'over-the-hill' party!!" (Insert evil laugh after that comment)!! Thanks Ash!!!
So yesterday on my birthday my bestest Nikki took me to lunch (child free I might add) for my day! On the way there I was listening to talk radio...92.3 KTAR, here in Phoenix. I can't remember the name of the talk show, but naturally it was politically based and the main topic---Health Care!!! What I've noticed lately is that people are passionate about this bill no matter what side of it they are on!! I personally am against it to a point. I believe everyone should have health care, but not in the form of the government running it!! Anyways, the radio show host was talking about a headline in the Chicago Sun Times about an 18 year old Mexican kid named Omar Castillo, who needs a kidney transplant. The problem....Omar is here illegally. He came to America with his brother, sister and parents in 2005, his parents were deported in 2007, but he and his siblings stayed behind to try and get him a kidney. Last Friday (8/7/09) after being turned down by the hospital for a year, the Governor of Illinois called the hospital and presto, Omar is getting a kidney!!! So I listened to the radio host yesterday talk about all the people the protested for and against Omar getting his kidney, and naturally they made the people that were against it out to be monsters!! The stance of the people that were for it was "he's a child" and "it's the human thing to do"!! Apparently Illinois has a law called the All Kids Health Care Program, which states that all citizens of Illinois under the age of 18 will receive care regardless of private insurance good or bad!! Here's the problem, well let me premise this by saying that I feel bad that this kid Omar is sick, no one should have to suffer. But with that said.....Omar is not a child, he is 18, almost 19, and the law clearly states (I looked it up), once a child turns 18 they are considered an adult and are no longer eligible under the law!! Secondly, the word CITIZEN says it all!!! Omar is not a citizen, his job is pushing a food cart around downtown Chicago, which equals cash money!!! Do you really think that someone who is here illegally and doesn't have a SS# for the government to track him down really does the "right thing" and pay taxes on the cash he makes!!?? I understand that he "deserves a chance to live", but if he doesn't pay taxes why should I pay to give him a kidney with my taxes!!! (well Bryan's taxes since I'm not working:)) This is the argument of the proponents of him getting the treatment, not that they think he should die, they/we (and most people I know) think that he should have to go back to HIS home country and HIS government should be protested to give him a kidney, not MY government!!!
So back to the radio show....the host took many callers that were upset at the headlines, which read, "The New Face Of Health Care", the face of health care in AMERICA is an 18 yr old illegal immigrant from MEXICO!!!! Does anyone else see the problem with that headline!!?? My favorite part of the radio show was when "Louis from Queen Creek" called in. He said that he doesn't mind paying higher taxes to give illegal immigrants health care because (and I quote) "it's the humane thing to do!!"!!! Well the host of the show and Louis bickered back and forth a little bit, and as I listened I got all kinds of fired up!!! Never in my adult life have I spoken out on anything political, but yesterday for some reason I picked up the phone and called the radio show!!! What I said cracked up the radio host as well as myself.....I said, "the reason Louis doesn't have a problem with higher taxes is because he either doesn't work or he's here illegally and doesn't pay them anyways!!" Then I said (and again I quote) "Louis, Go Back to Mexico"!!
Hopefully in the coming days I'm not protested, but I tell ya, people are getting fired up over health care, and all the name calling and screaming isn't gonna get anybody anywhere!! We as Americans have the right to protest and stand up for what we believe in, and I for one, for the 1st time in my life, am gonna exercise that right. Watch out Phoenix!!

1 comment:

RachelM said...

haha! I wish i could have heard that!:)