Saturday, August 1, 2009

Why The New Blog?

Hello all,
It has been 2 months now since the kids and I arrived back in Phoenix. Which also makes it 2 months since I have been actively looking and NOT finding a job!! The economy is rough, I'm sure we all are feeling it, but I have to be honest...I'm starting to feel a little sorry for myself!! Bryan and I have cut WAY back from the way we used to spend, and operate our household. For instance; before the economy bust, if I wanted something I went and bought it, now if I want something I tell myself "no you can't buy those shoes, the kids need milk"! It's a bit depressing but also eye opening, I mean we as a culture falsely spend money, and when I say falsely I mean PLASTIC, NON-EXISTENT $$!! Oh yes, the dreaded credit cards, haven't we all fallen into that rut at on point of our lives, but for us no more!! Which leads me to my new blog. My other blog (The Myers Family) is about just that, my family.....but this blog is my revelation!!
My Ten Commandments is going to be my daily (hopefully) diary chronicling my new attitude on everything from life to politics. I am going to share My Opinions with my friends, whether your ready or not!! :)
So with my new outlook on life, here are My 10 Commandments that I am in route to fulfilling (once again, hopefully)!

#1: Tell my husband everyday how much he means to me and our children!
I have made a realization that what we had when we 1st were married is gone....I'm not talking about sex, I'm talking about admiration and love. Not that I/we don't love each other, but our life had turned into a machine. Repetitive and mundane...time to spice it back up a little!!

#2: Learn patience!
I don't have them, and I'm not really sure I ever have!!

#3: Get back to church!
We haven't gone since we got married, it's time! Not only for our sakes, but to teach our children. I want to find a new church that will give us as a family, a community of peers that want the same for their own families, as we do for ours!

#4: Education!
I want to go back to school and finish my degree, so I've gotta figure out how to do this!! Not only will it benefit me...but then when my children get older and I preach to them about college I won't look hypocritical in their eyes!

#5: Give back!
I want to volunteer, I want to make a difference in some one's life!! And I want my children to want to do the same when they get older!!

#6: Forget!
I forgive and I don't hold grudges, but I don't forget!!! It's possibly my worse trait!! If someone I care about and I scuffle, and I don't work it out, I can't let it go till it's dealt with!! It's a horrible feeling to hold resentment and anger and I've got to get it out of my life. I'm too old to deal with it the way I used to!! I used to scream and yell, and I still do but I cry through it all!!! It's stressful and I hate it!! I need to learn to be a "sweep it under the rug" kind of girl!!

#7: Save!
This is important!! My father is the biggest advocate of this, and Bryan and I used to save, but ever since the economy got bad we haven't been able to. I know that the circumstances surrounding it isn't our fault, but our actions are!! Time to tighten up our ship, so we don't sink!

#8: Family!
If you ain't got it you've got nothing....and I truly believe that!! I have a wonderful family, they are supportive and loving, everything a family should be, but am I?? I'm bold and opinionated! I'm judgemental and non-supportive at times!! Is that really how my fantastic family should be treated?? I vow to work on that!!

#9: Friends!
I have some of the best friends a person could ask for!! And as we've gotten older and our own individual lives have taken different paths, we've fallen out of touch!! Not to the point of not talking, just not as close as we used to be!! A girl needs girlfriends like she needs air, water, shoes and handbags!!:) I want to let all my friends know how much their friendships mean to me, and not just on holidays and birthdays, but all year long!

and finally......and this one might be a little controversial...

#10: Politics!
I've never in my life felt so inspired to lend my voice to this nation, as I have in the past year or so!! This has NOTHING to do with political parties!! I am a registered independent, I didn't vote for Bush, McCain or Obama!! I want AMERICA to succeed, not necessarily one party!! This country is not in a good place and we Americans have to rise up and fix it, not the bozos in Washington!! Our voices must be heard, and right now from what I've seen, heard and read, their not!! So I vow to call my local representatives office and let them know what I expect of them as a voter, and I will settle for nothing less!! One voice can turn into many...isn't that one of the things that make America great!?

So this is what my new blog will be about...feel free to read, comment, rebuttal, or do nothing!! This is my journey through my new outlook that I'm going to attempt to bring into my life!!!


RachelM said...

#10 Amen! Ive been wanting to rant and rave on my blog, but my computer is in a crappy spot in my house and I can never sit down on it.
As far as #3 goes, where are you living right now?? Maybe I could recommend a good place in your area:)
And dont worry about #4 yet....the kids will be in school soon enough and it will give you more time. there is nothing more inportant that what you are doing to shape the wills and personalities of those children right now:)
love love!

The Gourley's said...

I am very proud of you, I really like #1 but all of them. I will pray for you to accomplish all your hopes and dreams, for there is nothing you can't do with faith and love in your heart. I love you my daughter, mama