Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Today...Not Good!!

So today was not a good day!! I'm not sure if it was the lack of sleep, or knowing that Austin starts school tomorrow, or the fact that I got rejected by 3 jobs via e-mail today...but it sucked!! Abbi was in a cranky mood, mommy was in a cranky mood, Austin talked non-stop, and daddy avoided mommy to not get his head bit off!! Oh happy day!!! So with all my rambling yesterday about patience, and what I need to do/fix, today I defiantly took a step back!! Maybe with Austin starting school, having the 7 hour break of 1 child will help..but at the same time, how sad is that!!! I think I might need a shrink for this patience thing! :)

Let's move onto something a little more up my alley today, crankiness!!! Aren't we all allowed to have an off day every once in awhile? My problem is they seem to be getting more frequent!! The stress of not getting a job, and the aggravation of all the bull snot in Washington, I believe is enough to drive any person (even if they have some patience) to have a bad day!! Seriously....what qualifies a person to be a congressman or a senator?? I think I might run for office, certainly I can do a better job than half those bozos I see on TV. But, according to most places I've applied, I'm not qualified!!! OK people, if I'm not qualified to run a freaking cash register at Target, then what the hell does a community organizer/lawyer/author qualified to do?? I'll tell ya.....run this country apparently!!! The one thing that's really getting my goat right now is this "cash for clunkers" deal! Come on, that's what our tax payer $$ are going to...for someone to take their 1983 Nissan Sentra in for a Prius, give me a f*in break!! Why can't we vote for what we want our tax dollars to go to!? As far as I know, no stimulus $ has been spent in AZ on jobs, for christ sake isn't our capital building for sale?? This is a bunch of bull snot (like I said earlier)!! I believe Americans are blinded by Obama's celebrity status, it's time to blast him out of the water and expose him as the non-qualified puppet he is!!

There my rant is over for today, hopefully I'm a little more positive tomorrow!! :)

1 comment:

RachelM said...

you need to come over sometime!
Just remember, you CANT do it all by yourself. we are flawed you know:) Phil 4:13